Welcome on the website of the small city farm Zahrady pod Lovošem (Gardens on the Lovos Hill). Here you can find an information about our products, on how we acquire them, as well as our experience with beekeeping, goats and sheeps breeding and growing fruits.
About us
Zahrady pod Lovošem is a small city farm focusing on enviromentally sensitive beekeeping, breeding of goats and growing fruits. What does the „city farm“ mean? Well, we are based in a periphery district of the Lovosice city, not far from the touristically famous hill of Lovos. The fact that we do not have a typical farm complex in countryside, composed of large agricultural buildings, manipulation areas and big agri machines determines what we do and in what extent.
Beekeeping In addition to honey we try to acquire also the other beekeeping products, make a mead and engage in breeding (queens, packet bees). Our bees are disclocated at several places within the nature protected area České Středohoří (Central Bohemian Uplands); all of them neighbour with large forests. We do not have the bio certified beekeeping system, however, our treatment of bees is in line with basic environmental principles, and it results in pure and ecologicaly safe production.
Goats and sheeps have all year long access to a pasture. Our pastures = hills, partly covered by bushes, full of stones and rocks. They cannot be managed mechanically and without the animals they would case to exist due to bush succession.
Fruit orchards. The current cherry and apricot orchards will soon be completed by quinces. We grow in broader rows and in higher shapes; the latter are more resistant to drought and diseases in the long run (and definitely look better in the landscape!).
Landscape and environment Through our farming we would like to contribute to restoration and keeping of the landscape of the České Středohoří region. That in past used to be a mozaic of small luk, fields and fruit sadů; our predecessors had even obdělávali hills of the sopečných sopouchů that later were abondoned. By its size, our pastures are rather „louky“ and our fruit sady rather „zahrady“. May the name of the farm „Zahrady pod Lovošem“ (Gardens on the Lovos Hill) sound relevant in this respect.
What we offer
Flower Honey (fruit trees, rape, hawthorn, maple, acacia) – 140CZK/kg (5,6EUR)
Flower PASTA Honey – 150CZK/kg (6EUR)
Linden Honey – 140CZK/kg (5,6EUR)
Forest Honey (from district Decin) – 170CZK/kg (7EUR)
Can be picked up in Lovosice, Děčín and Praha. Delivery upon agreement (minimum 10kg) within Lovosice, Litoměřice, Ústí nad Labem and Děčín.
Other Beekeeping Products:
Mead, honey with propolis, honey with pollen. More information upon request.
Goat and Lamb Meat
The meat from half-year old lambs and goats is lean and does not stink. Price of the meat with a bone 110CZK/kg (4,5EUR).
For beekeepers – Packet Bees, Shook Swarms
Five comb packets, queen F1 generation (line “Dol”) on the following combs sizes:
langstroth 2/3 – 1600CZK (64EUR)
langstroth 3/4 – 1600CZK (64EUR)
langstroth 1/1 – 1750CZK (70EUR)
The packets are sufficiently filled with bees, enough brood allowing dynamic progress, light (new) brood combs. All veterinary documentation and invoice included. To be picked up after 20. June.
We also offer shook swarms (artificial swarms), prepared for winter – 10 combs (completely newly built), treated with organic acids, with glycid supplies, young F1 queen, enough bees and brood ensuring sucessful winter. Smart option for less experienced but enthusiastic beginners. Price 2600CZK (104EUR) (langstroth 1/1 – price 3000kč – 120EUR) – to be picked up in late August/September.
In case of non Czech residents the price per packet or swarm has to be by 12EUR higher, as in such case usual financial support from relevant national programmes (corresponding to the 12 EUR) is not accessible.
Elementary beekeeping tools
see https://zvirata.bazos.cz/inzerat/99686891/zakladni-vcelarske-vybaveni.php
Contact details
Zdeněk Bělonožník
Fibichova 7, 41002, Lovosice (district Litomerice)
60km from Prague, 2km from D8
t. (00420) 722 006 373
(we do speak English)